So, I outlined the experiment I am doing on carbonation flavors here.
The Brew Day
So, May 5th rolled around and the Big Brew for the Menomonie Homebrewers’ Club happened. Great fun was had, much beer was consumed and we won’t speak of the atrocities perpetrated on some grilled hot dogs which were still consumed.
Andy got his batch of Janet’s Brown Ale going as the first brew of the day while a local reporter was talking to us. We were still in the process of unloading some stuff and getting set up. No beer had been consumed by this point, so I think we were coherent. We may not have made sense, with all our talk of mashing, sparging, fermenting, carbonating, blah blah blah.
You can insert standard homebrew geek enthusiasm, excitement and babbling here.

After Andy got his batch wrapped up, I realized I better get a fire going under my kettle. Just before reaching a boil, rain started falling. So we set up another burner under the shelter and spent the next hour watching my wort boil.
We got everything into the fermenter without incident, but by the time we got everything loaded we were soaked. The only remedy was visiting Das Bierhaus to warm up. Their Alt Bier was delicious.
Check back for our next installment!